WE'RE MOVING | MD to AZ in 2020
We’re moving from Maryland to Arizona!
Since posting the announcement live on social media last week, I wanted to go a little more in depth about our move and what it means for Brittney Nestle Photo. I cannot thank you all enough for the outpouring of support and encouragement. The announcement made it so much more real in our minds and I am so grateful for the positive vibes!
We visited AZ last year for two main reasons —
To see if this was somewhere we’d ideally want to live.
For me to experience the Grand Canyon on my 30th birthday. (which was amazing, I highly recommend doing this ASAP. )
My husband has family ties in AZ and has always loved visiting the state since he was a kid. It’s somewhere he always envisioned living someday. When he would describe the views, the warmth, the openness, it all sounded incredible! But I’ve been a Maryland girl my entire life and haven’t ever lived somewhere further than 20 miles from my hometown. Moving completely across country? I had to see things for myself before giving the idea any sort of life.
Fast forward to our trip in April last year, and wow. Everything Jay had told me was spot on. There was a sense of calm that I had when we visited, a room-to-breathe kinda feeling. Being in AZ just opened our eyes that even though we treasure Maryland for being our home and where all our friends and family are, it isn’t where we want to lay down roots. We have such a great opportunity to adventure together and choose where we want to be, rather than it be chosen for us.
We explored a ton in the week that we were there- driving around Northern PHX, spending time at Lake Pleasant (and seeing legit donkeys), and hiking in Sedona. We ended up seeing Sedona and the Grand Canyon in one day and I couldn’t believe just how gorgeous the red rocks were. Even though I need to hit the gym a bit before hiking up Cathedral Rock again, I cannot wait to go back and see more.
Afterward, we drove a little further to see the southern vista of the Grand Canyon. Even in 30 degree weather, I remember staring at the canyon for a while, the clouds so low they were just hovering in between the cliffs. My mind couldn’t compute the sight, how this “wonder of the world” was actually right in front of me. You have this feeling come over you of how small you are in such a big world, and I was grateful to just sit and take that in.
What does this mean for my business? It means that I’ll be expanding to the southwest and have a new area to refresh my passion for photography. I have adored all of my amazing couples and family clients here in Maryland, but I have been craving a challenge for a few years now. Getting to shoot in an entirely new environment, something nearly opposite from what I know, is a big undertaking. But I’m so looking forward to it. I’m hoping to make new connections with pros in the area and photograph in some dream locations (Utah, California, PNW).
But I’m not leaving Maryland behind entirely. I’m still here to fly back to photograph a wedding here and there and when we visit, I’ll always set aside time to see my clients again- for coffee, a session, or both!
In about eight months we’ll be packing up our apartment and starting the next chapter of our lives out in AZ. For now, we’ll be enjoying 2019 in Maryland ( especially wedding season just around the corner! ) and spending plenty of time with all of those that mean the most to us.
Early January is where our AZ timeline will start and I can’t wait to see what 2020 has in store. :)
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